Disneyland Halloween! Part 1

What month is it now, May? All the way back in the fall, my friends and I went to Disneyland for Halloween! We got special tickets for their evening event, Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. It was AWESOME!

Early Halloween morning, Shannon and I met at the airport for our flight to LA, Starbucks in tow!

It feels like I've been seeing this a lot lately...

On the way from LAX to our hotel, we stopped by this bakery called 85C, which I believe is a small chain in SoCal! I'm obsessed, they have delicious pastries both savory and sweet, as well as other desserts and teas!

Cute desserts are Halloween-themed, right?

In the hotel, we got changed into our costumes. Mickey's Halloween Party is actually the only time costumes are allowed in the park for adults, so we wanted to go full-out. My Halloween costume was Marie from The Aristocats, with my friend Ferris as Toulouse my kitty brother, and Shannon was Mabel from Gravity Falls.

Some of my best friends ever, I'm so glad I got to go with this group!

It was difficult to get pictures that captured the colors and lighting of the park during the party. All the lights were dim and warmly colored, so it was easy to see, but still a little spooky. All the speakers were playing seasonal Halloween music, along with villain theme songs. Honestly, when we first walked in and took everything in, I got choked up! It was so gorgeous, every little detail.

Obligatory castle shot.

We got the chance to see Mickey's Costume Party Parade down Main Street not long after entering the park. I'd actually never seen a Disney parade before, and it was really exciting. The floats were so cute, and I loved the dancing!

Holiday Haunted Mansion!

It was so pretty, and the stormy-looking sky behind it made the mansion look even more otherworldly. I had never ridden the ride when in its Nightmare Before Christmas dressing, so I was really excited! Shannon and I screamed and grabbed each other when the ride started, and we really enjoyed letting our inner children out.

It was kind of frustrating how hard it was to take pictures because of how cute the park looked. We watched fireworks, enjoyed corndogs, and rode as many rides as we could! We finished up the night with a delirious Denny's trip before all passing out in our hotel.

On our second day we got dressed up in lolita and had even more adventures, so make sure to subscribe to see the next one~

xoxo Katie